Two Great Advocates: Imam Mohamad Tawhidi in conversation with Dr. Mordechai Kedar

Dear Friends,

I would like to recommend an upcoming CAEF webinar this Thursday August 12, which I think you will find outstanding and worthwhile, featuring two brilliant advocates for truth and freedom. 

The Imam Tawhidi knows the inner workings of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian mission for Jihad.  Dr. Mordecai Kedar, a professor at Bar Ilan University is one of leading experts on the Arab propaganda war against Israel and how the “Palestinian” Arab viewpoint is being disseminated.  You will find them both extremely informative and enlightening.

I hope you will be able to attend.  You won’t be disappointed!

Warm regards,

Irving Weisdorf

View Parts 1 & 2 of Islamist Obstacles in the Path of Peace, here and here, and register for Part 3, Implications for Israel and her Neighbours.

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